Newsletter – Volume 18 | March 2023

April 3, 2023

Back Live and In Person—3AF Summit, May 23-24 in Los Angeles – Don’t Miss It!

It’s been three long years of virtual gatherings, and the 3AF is proud to present the annual 3AF 2023 Asian Marketing Summit, live and in person!

We’ve chosen a great venue in the heart of Little Toyko, Los Angeles, CA. We will have the same great content we’re known for (largest national conference focusing on the power of the Asian American consumer) where ALL sessions will tie back to Asian marketing and advertising. Best of all, our in- person venue will allow for some fun networking activities and full immersion of the vibrant community around us. Meet, network. and engage with Asian marketing industry experts, influencers and marketers. Attendees will better understand how to capture and leverage ROI in the critical Asian marketing segment. The Summit will also include the industry’s only Asian Marketing Boot Camp designed for those new to Asian marketing or for those who want a refresher course on the critical basics. Whether you’re tapping this affluent segment for growth, trying to obtain insights for accurate portrayal of the Asian consumer in your inclusive advertising campaign, understanding the Asian media landscape to optimize your media buy or trying to engage Asian employees within your company, this is THE conference that you can’t miss!

Early bird rates expire soon! Register here: http://www.www.3af.org/2023-3af-asian-marketing-summit/

3AF Members Share Expertise at Recent AIMM Membership Meeting in New York

Several 3AF members were invited to speak at the Alliance for Inclusive Multicultural Marketing’s (AIMM) member forum and media upfronts, held in New York City in early March. This was AIMM’s first-ever diverse owned and targeted upfronts.
… [Download the Newsletter – Volume 18 for more information.]


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