Newsletter – Volume 11 | June 2021

July 1, 2021

Leveraging Momentum

3AF Curates Content for Asian Equity Upfront Media Event

Recently, executives from Magna Global, a leading global media investment and intelligence company which is part of the Interpublic Group (IPG), reached out to the 3AF for assistance on their virtual event spotlighting Asian American media. Earlier this year, IPG Mediabrands unveiled an industry-first, week-long Equity Upfront™ experience to raise visibility of, and create opportunities for, Black-owned and targeted media partners, and the company wanted to do the same type of event highlighting Asian media during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

The event, held on May 25, included a fireside chat with Iris Yim, 3AF Vice President and Chair of the 3AF Marketing Research Committee and Brian Hughes, EVP, Managing Director, Audience Intelligence.

… [Download the Newsletter – Volume 11 for more information.]


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