May 25, 2015
New American Dimensions and interTrendCommunications undertook research to gain an in-depth understanding of First Generation Asian Indians in the U.S. in terms of:
•Relocation patterns
•Values and self-identity
•Lifestyle and preferred activities
•Shopping habits and store and brand-selection criteria
•Financial planning
•Technology and media use
Asian Indians in the U.S. are becoming increasingly attractive to marketers, due to their rising population and purchasing power and other appealing demographics
•According to recent U.S. Census figures, Asian Indians are now the second most populous Asian-American group (next to Chinese), and growing rapidly.
•Indians are number one among U.S. Asians, and far ahead of the nation overall, on college graduation, professional/managerial employment, and annual household income.
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Read the full report: Asian Indian Detailed Report from New American Dimensions.