3AF Summit Archive - 2017


JUNE 1-2

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(Boot Camp) The U.S. Asian Market: Driving A New Consumer Paradigm

The 3AF Asian Market Boot Camp will begin with a primer on the “who, what, where” of the Asian American consumer. With continuing Hispanic immigration decline, U.S. Asians are now poised to become the largest foreign-born population segment of the United States. This session will lift veil of this dynamic consumer and how they are will impact the marketplace. Topics include population growth, immigration patterns, geography, culture, diversity, acculturation, psychographics and general shopping behaviors.

Speaker: Thomas Tseng, President, Sengo Insights

(Boot Camp) Asian Media Landscape/Overview

Digital platforms have globalized local content. We no longer live in a “Big Picture” world and our habits and engagement with media have evolved accordingly. The growing and coveted Asian American segment is no exception.

AAAZA has been at the forefront of identifying this powerful consumer segment and answering the poignant questions that follow: What media are Asian Americans consuming? How do you target them with precision? How do you marry traditional and digital to reach them?

Ascon Pavia, AAAZA’s Media Director, will discuss the many media opportunities used to reach the Asian American diaspora. She will also share insights on how to prioritize your media investment in this market.

Speaker: Ascon Pavia, Media Director, AAAZA

(Boot Camp) Bringing Brand Love To Life For McDonald’s Asian Customers

McDonald’s is a pioneer marketer in the Asian industry and has produced memorable, award-winning campaigns that has captured the hearts and minds of Asian consumers. With the changing times and changing consumers, IW Group will showcase some of the newest and latest campaigns that engage and impact today’s consumers with a comprehensive 360 approach, integrating ideas across multi-platforms.


Flora Zhao, Group Client Director, IW Group

Benjamin Hyun, Lead Account Activator/Account Director, IW Group

(Boot Camp) How To Focus On The Good (And Not The Bad Or The Ugly) When It Comes To Asian Marketing

If you think dragons and lanterns are an option to market to Asians, then you need to sign up for this session. Learn the importance of staying culturally relevant while avoiding mistakes in creating solid campaigns. Join us for a fun and interactive session that will inspire your next brainstorming session.

Speaker: Jon Yokogawa, Vice President, Managing Director, interTrend Communications

Recoding Culture

Digital humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings through technological innovation. As the world gets more digital, we look for experiences that are more real, more meaningful, and have great depth. Learn how the recoding of culture inspires virality and how content brings out the humanity in all of us.

Speaker: Edwin Wong, Vice President, Research & Insights, Buzzfeed

How Do We Boost Asian American Leadership And Civic Engagement?

Asian Americans have been the fastest-growing racial group in the United States since 2000, and this has translated to impressive gains in educational attainment, purchasing power, wealth generation, and business formation. At the same time, Asian Americans have hit a ceiling (of either the glass or bamboo variety) with respect to leadership development, not just in the workplace but also in the civic sector. This presentation analyzes data from the National Asian American Survey, an effort funded by the National Science Foundation and various private foundations. We explore the factors that limit Asian American leadership development and civic engagement, and ways that we can overcome these barriers to unlock the true leadership potential of our communities. He will also discuss Asian American participation in the last election cycle, changes observed compared to the last election cycle and what it means to Asian Americans as a voting block.

Speaker: Karthick Ramakrishnan, Associate Dean, University of California at Riverside, School of Public Policy

Developing A Business Case For Diversity And Inclusion

When companies leverage diversity and inclusion, they create positive business impact which ultimately affects profitability. And the companies that are getting it right are looking at D&I in a holistic manner, making sure that their internal environment mirrors their external opportunity. This presentation provides a framework for understanding how to create the business case for diversity as it relates to all stakeholders, in particular, employees and consumers.

Speaker: Sharmila Fowler Director of Strategy, Global Diversity, Inclusion, & Strategic Engagement, McDonald’s Corporation

Intercultural Influence and the Asian American Opportunity

Asian American influences are proliferating and reaching mainstream faster than ever. The Japanese word for green tea ‘Matcha’ on Google yields 34 million results. Lilly Singh has 11.4 million followers on YouTube, and MAC’s new beauty line is a collaboration with Korean designer duo, Steve J. and Yoni P. The force behind these influences is Asian American women using their digital voice to spread their passion. Nielsen will share the latest insights from the newly released report, “Asian American Women: Accelerating Growth and Expanding Influence” showcasing the cross-cultural influence of Asian Americans on the evolving diverse consumer landscape.

Additionally, Nielsen and EthniFacts will share insights from a new consumer segmentation model and showcase how brands win in a cross-cultural market. The Intercultural Affinity (ICA) segmentation allows for the U.S. population to be segmented by affinity to mindset, behavior, and opportunity to buy and consume beyond one’s root culture. It includes consumers of all races and ethnicities and helps clients understand embracers vs. rejectors of diverse tastes and preferences. Join Nielsen and EthniFacts to learn more about how this segmentation impacts the Asian American population and can help you realize the true size of your potential market…hint: it’s larger than you may think! Also, learn from case studies that have been conducted by other brands and retailers.


Mariko S. Carpenter, Vice President, Strategic Community Alliances; Nielsen

Mike Lakusta, CEO and Founding Partner, EthniFacts, LLC

Vanna Tran, Director of Multicultural Growth and Strategy, Nielsen

Asian Small Business Entrepreneurs– An Integral Part Of Our Society

Asian American small business owners represent both a major part of Asian Americans and of small business owners generally. According to a Wall Street Journal article, Asian American share of business far exceeds the share of population in top 50 metro areas. And yet, they remain under the radar in terms of their business needs which represent tremendous opportunities for B2B service providers.

Learn about Asian American entrepreneurs, their backgrounds and business opportunities at the 3AF 2017 Asian Marketing Summit.

Speaker: Pawan Dhingra, Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology / Tufts University

Asian Advertising From An International Perspective– How Globalization And Innovation Is Affecting Asian Advertising In The U.S. And Abroad

In spite of rising barriers of trade and finance worldwide, globalization is here to stay. In the digital age, globalization takes on a new meaning, not just the flow of goods and labor, but also culture and ideas. With advances in technology, immigrants and tourists are ever closer to their mother country as if they never left. They share news, pictures, and moments of their daily life with friends and family instantly and are abreast of the news and latest trends in their home countries. Representatives from the Asian Federation of Advertising Association, ECI Awards and LETV will discuss cross border marketing, globalization and how innovation is changing the Asian marketing landscape on a global scale.


Raymond So, AFAA Chairman and Executive President, Daye Transmedia Group

Jay Kim, 3AF President and Managing Director, AAAZA

More Than You Imagined: HBO And The Asian Pacific American Viewer

By leveraging millennial insights and investing in progressive strategies to engage today’s multicultural viewers, HBO is designing innovative marketing programs that are not only tailored to the unique aspects of the APA consumer but also address broader issues within the U.S. cultural landscape. Jackie Gagne, HBO’s Vice President of Multicultural Marketing, will provide an executive overview of the company’s newly-launched Asian American initiative that blends technology, social media and social consciousness.

Speaker: Jackie Gagne, Vice President of Multicultural Marketing, HBO

English Speaking Asian Media: Presence And Persistence = Progress

The media is a key component of our nation’s First Amendment, guaranteeing the public’s access to a free press. Two-thirds of Asian Americans are foreign-born, so therefore, language and cultural backgrounds make a difference when it comes to the media they consume. Ethnic media, be it in language or in English, is a critical part of the daily life of most Asian American consumers. This panel will focus on the role of English speaking Asian media.


Emil Guillermo, Broadcast Journalist, Writer and Editor

Odette Alcazaren-Keeley, Director, National Media Network, New America Media

Brian Lee, Co-Founder, Fomo Daily

Moderator: Miguel Santos, General Manager, MYX and 3AF Board Member

Reaching The Fastest Growing Consumer In A Digital World– Insights From The 3af’s Media Consumption Study

Changing demographics, cultural shifts and technology have changed the media paradigm. What used to be defined by general-market English media and ethnic in-language media is now dominated by a few mobile giants (Facebook, YouTube, Google and Amazon), where both English and in-language content are abundant and easily accessible. At the same time, there is a host of niche media catering to specific segments. This presentation provides an in-depth look at Asian American’s media consumption pattern in the digital age, including usage of various media platforms, segment nuances and language preference, to provide valuable insights into reaching this audience within the new media landscape.

Speaker: Iris Yim, Principal, Sparkle Insights, 3AF Vice President and Chair, 3AF Research Committee

The Rise Of Korean Dramas

Hallyu – the Korean term for the popularity of Korean culture outside of South Korea – has boosted the country’s tourism to a record breaking 10 percent increase in 2013. Its effect also carries over into fashion, music, and food. What is the Hallyu effect in the U.S., particularly among non-Asians who are watching and being influenced by the K-Drama fever? We have panelists from the makers of these Korean dramas themselves: KBS, MBC and SBS, to discuss the influence and opportunities of Korean drama and why they wanted to build a new online platform, Kocowa.


Kenny Konshik Yu, President and CEO of KBS America

Wan Sik Min, President of MBC America

Hwansik Yoo, President, SBS International

Sarah Kim, Marketing Director, Korean Content Platform, LLC

Culture: A Pathway To Unstated Consumer Preferences

Culture exerts a powerful influence on consumer behavior, esp. the less rational ones, and has wide-ranging implications for marketing. Using their recently completed cultural model, Kathy will talk about fundamental cultural differences between East and West to access intrinsic biases Asian Americans employ when consuming products/services and marketing communications. Kathy will focus on two cultural dimensions, external vs. internal control and interdependence vs. independence with examples from products to pricing to advertising. Those insights will help marketers understand the often unconscious cultural forces that drive consumer preferences. Marketers will learn to be smart about winning hearts and minds of Asian Americans through implicit alignment with cultural imprints.

Speaker: Kathy Cheng, Researcher, Moderator and Co-Founder, Selffii Intelligence, Inc.

Film Making – Just Do It!

In 2017 film makers have the ability to create films in ways they were not able to in the past. New technology, new ways to distribute and finance movies are changing how films are getting made. In the past, Asian American filmmakers may have felt like they were limited in their opportunities. A new class of filmmakers may now feel like there is no excuse not to pursue their visions. More movie making by Asian American producers means there is more authentic story telling and representation in the mainstream culture. In this panel we discuss the process three different film makers – Justin Chon (Gook, A Korean American LA Riot Film), Andrew Ahn (Spa Night, about the identity struggles of a 2nd generation Korean) and Charles Chu (Chu& Blossom, about a Korean exchange student’s culture shock, friendship and adventure) have gone through from vision to product. Also on this panel is Rahul Walia, who will speak about film making from a marketing perspective.


Justin Chon, actor

Andrew Ahn, filmmaker

Charles Chu, screenwriter, actor and director

Rahul Walia, President, Touchdown Media

Moderator: Daniel “Dpd” Park